Your embodied voice is INCREDIBLY valuable. In this podcast, you will learn why this is and how to ACCESS the value inside of your embodied voice.
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I heard myself saying, at a dinner party this evening, "I could write a book about how great it is to have my own bedroom." I was met with eyes of fear from from men in the room, and eyes of intrigue from the women.
About a year ago, I started having fantasies of transforming our extra "healing" room into my own cozy bedroom. My daughter was turning two years old, and our marriage therapist said that this period of transition from one to two years old was a time when the child and the mama come into sovereignty and that, during this period of natural and healthy separation, often many relationships disintegrate as well. I really felt into that, and how entering into my own sovereignty would not only benefit my own life, my career, and the deep desire to get to know myself again, but ultimately it would save my marriage from disintegration. I worked up the courage to talk to my husband about this idea, and when I did, I was met with apprehension and fear, "What do you mean you're going to have the whole king size bed to yourself? What about me? What's this mean in regards to our love life?" I held this insecurity with upmost understanding and compassion, and offered, in response, "You'll have your own bedroom, too. You can do whatever you want to do in your bedroom and I have nothing to do with it. You can go to sleep when you want to sleep and wake up as early as you wish without disturbing me." This seemed to ease the fear. So I had a strong friend come over and help me move all the furniture around in three rooms of our house, majorly rearranging the energetic cords of disharmony that had been brewing for three years. There were definitely a couple of bumpy moments as I attempted to connect these cords back to Source; finding my own personal boundaries, my sovereignty within our relationship, my own voice again, my own psychic space. When I finally penetrated into the deepest layer of my sovereign beingness, it appeared that I needed my husband to knock on my door and receive my permission to enter. This was a major bump. This pushed on the edges of our collective marriage agreements. Boundaries. I stepped into honoring my personal boundaries and shook the whole daggon collective system loose from our individual marriage agreement. At this point, it appeared that our marriage would fail, so we planned a separation, and you now what happened? It did. That cultural mind-fuck-of-a-marriage fell apart; where I made myself small out if fear of hurting him with my hugeness, where I believed I owed him sex for providing for me, where I feared his power and puffed myself up. Gone. Those pieces died. Hallelujah. And then guess what happened? We picked up the broken pieces, burned the ones that would no longer fit, and molded new ones out of the clay of sovereignty. Old contacts gone, while new contracts of respect, clear boundaries, friendship, autonomy, and sovereignty fell, heartily, into place. As you enter into a marriage, it's really helpful to become aware of cultural contracts, and how they impact your own unique relationship. In our culture, sleeping in separate bedrooms might mean that the marriage is about to disintegrate. My relationship certainly appeared that it was disintegrating for sometime after taking the space, and now that we have really given ourselves the opportunity to come into each of our own centers, we can truly meet as sovereign people, we can meet without needing the other person to fill up the inner gaps that are inevitable, we're learning how to self source. All the while we have each also cultivated a devotion to connection. I've come to really value connection because know it is a conscious offering to myself and to him. The connection time has clear boundaries that feel safe and good to both of us. I strongly believe that this had to do with the taking space in the physical bedroom. Now I offer this experience with a word of caution, as there was another couple that I told about this and they tried it, and to my surprise, the relationship quickly disintegrated. When I reflect on it now, it's not so surprising, for two people must really have full awareness of the collective pressure on our individual psyches and on our marriage contracts to be able to take this step, or any step, forward-- into sovereignty within marriage. Good day to you! We all have moments when life's challenges seem to swallow us up. Here's a little perspective based on my life story. Warning: it gets emotional! I'm a passionate woman! Also, I cover the MEGA topics of my own Self-Guilt and Self-Judgement and how I opened up my energetic center of LIFE VISION (Ajna Chakra)... You might, too, see that it's all working for your Great Awakening. You'll also get to learn about the best way to sleep in... "Bed Yoga" -- and how to let you subconscious unwind itself. If that sounds intimidating, trust me, it's not. PS. Subscribe on YouTube; I typically only post my videos on there. I do what I do because I LOVE what I do. I enjoy my work deeeeply. If we do our work solely for others, simply "to help other people", then there can be a grave sense of martyrdom that accompanies, a seriousness, a rigidity... Abundance and joy really don't flow this way.
But if you're having fun, and your rooted to what truly opens you up to the Vast Potential that you are, if you're devoted to allowing yourself be a channel of life, connected to life, to Earth, to Source, to humanity, to your house, to your partnership, to your children, to your body, and if you are sincerely LOVING the creativity, the service, the life force that moves through you, that creates through you... Then serving others comes naturally. I love teaching because my channel opens and Life Pours Through unobstructed. It also happens to positively affect those who come to receive. They then not only receive the WORDS I say, but also the transmission of JOY OF BEING. I love being in my body, I have cultivated a deep sense of worth and belonging, and that undercurrent ripples through what I say and that transmission is VALUABLE. We need more people here to be Embodied. We need more people feeling CONFIDENT in who they are and what they came here to do. We need more people to have a sense of DEEP BELONGING TO OUR EARTH. The time of being small is withering away as our systems become fully activated and integrated into the available fullness of the life that's here. This is radical speaking here. And there is a risk in this; as you come roaring into your full expression, you might meet that dying thread of the collective voice that says it's too much, too selfish, too arrogant, etc.... But from this place, you know that's nonsense. Because you're connected to your heart, you are compassionate, you are deeply rooted to our earth as source, you remember your inner nature, and you are awake. I'm sometimes grumpy when I get woken up in the middle of the night. Be gentle with those who are sleeping, those who just don't know the incredible POWER within their own bodies and voices. Be gentle, yet be full. Be Bright, because it feels so RIGHT! 😜 So, in conclusion, let's not take ourselves so personally. Only then, when it's not soooo personal, can life MOVE you. And that, my friends, is what this whole journey is about anyway; getting to the point where LIFE MOVES YOU. It's trying to move through you, but you Gotta loosen up, dive a wee bit deeper into your playful sensuality, not take your ideas on as something to be coveted, let it flow, let it go, let yourself open to the vastness that wants to breathe in you. It's so big. You are so incredibly Valuable. ![]() You've come this far, so my first questions are you. Self-inquiry is a great place to begin the search for your authentic voice. What is it that you're looking for? Do you sense a great force of creativity inside of you that's ready to emerge? Do you feel stagnant or blocked? If you do feel blocked, wow, is this normal. Our creativity can only emerge in a joyful expression when there is a full embodiment of our voice. In Sanskrit, the voice (or throat center) is called Vishuddhi Chakra, which literally means "purification center." In this work, we use the innate power of our sounds to purify the rest of our energetic body (creative blocks along with it, as well as trauma healing). In this work, the embodied voice emerges after the clearing and opening of the four layers of your voice, the Primal Voice, the Subtle Voice, the Central Voice, and the Source Voice. A fully embodied voice is playful, sensual, uninhibited, compassionate, and fluid. Through the purification of these four layers, these qualities emerge naturally. Contact me today to begin the excavation of your incredibly valuable, authentic, creative expression. Read about private sessions here. Here's a recent testimonial from a client who has been regularly working with me for over a year, who, in her own words, came with "no voice" and emerged in her fully Embodied and Radiant voice, with a great love for herself and the life that moves through her. What a JOY it was to work with her:
"There is a practice that brings us closer to the vibration of the core; that brings us to fullness and oneness – alignment, attunement. There is a practice of spiritual integration and resonance which makes the body sing. It is in this moment of fullness, alignment and attunement that resonance happens. It wakes the soul and connects to cosmic sonance. It is the moment of greatest joy possible. It is what we seek, what we fear, what we run from and toward. It is what I found with Destiny. Fleeting and lasting. Transient and permanent. Fragile and strong. Groundless and grounded. When you are ready, when you have built up your courage, when you want the fullness more than you fear the groundlessness, then go to Destiny and she will be your fearless guide – she will usher you into your own strength and joy. She will hold space and clear away guilt and shame. She will hold space for the beauty that emerges from your deepest, profoundest source. She will be a gentle wind – Just a soft breath on a new butterfly’s wings. And there you will be, new and beautiful, a catepillar no more." -Lisa Afshar, Ashland, OR, October 2016 Read more testimonials here. |