Bless you and thank you for visiting, dear one! I hope, that from your time browsing this website, you are inspired to dive deeper into the radiance that you are. And if you need help, I am happy to assist you on your Path.
I am Destiny Love, and I am grateful to understand myself, and each of us, as a clear channel of Divine Inspiration. I am a vocal specialist, a sound healer, a teacher, a mother, and so much more. I am the creator of the methods My Embodied Voice and Embodied Voice Yoga. The energy that moves through me can and does move through all of us.
Full Embodiment is our birthright.
Arriving into the State of a Fully Embodied Voice is a journey of collecting pieces of Self and coming back into full sovereignty, whilst being fully emerged and connected to the life that's here.
I use my voice as a tool for healing, and have helped many people to access their Embodied Voice. I access the full embodiment of VOICE by free-flowing non-linguistic song and as I do, I create uplifting and inspiring music that I share with the world.
I also bring people into their own embodied voices by channeling sounds (Embodied Voice Sound Healing) that can assist you into opening to your own unique embodied voice; great for those on a healing path and for those who are healers to deepen your work and activate your voice in the world; The ultimate life coaching session.
In addition, I live my Dharma by giving the true Transmission of Yoga. As I teach yoga, I give the transmission of what yoga truly is, a true "yoking" to Divinity, an embodied remembrance of connection to Source; Inner Source, Earth as Source, and Cosmic Source. I have facilitated over a thousand transformational classes, workshops, and retreats around the world and along the way, I have assisted thousands of people on the Path of Full Embodiment. Safety is crucial in the opening process, and my sessions are held in an inspiring, gentle, and safe container. I look forward to connecting with you!